Thursday, January 20

Most successful "soaked" bread recipe yet!

I can't believe I made this in my own looks like it came from a wood-fired oven in a small, rustic, European village. This is my latest attempt in baking homemade bread that uses soaked dough (to fall more closely in alignment with the principals of a traditional foods diet...or Nourishing Traditions fare).

In this recipe, 4 ingredients are thrown together in a bowl, covered, and left to rise overnight (12 - 20 hours). The next day, the dough is shaped into a ball, left to "nap" for another 2 hours, then baked in a covered dutch oven. There is no kneading...very little hands-on at all, in fact. I highly, highly recommend giving it a go...the recipe is here at Steamy Kitchen.


  1. Wow!!! This is like porn for a raw girl!

  2. I just woke the cat by laughing out loud at that, Catherine!

  3. hmmmm looks delicious!

  4. Wow ! What a wonderful bread :-) I'm going to study the recipe...
