Wednesday, March 24

You go, girls!

Naya and Sodie just received word of their acceptance into their top-choice college with a full ride scholarship plus a stipend!!!!! I am crazy proud of them! Here they are enjoying celebratory ice cream and doing a happy dance in the front yard (with plenty of support from Mado and Toucie). I love these awesome kids!!!


  1. Wow - CONGRATULATIONS to your lovely twins! What a proud momma you must be! Feeling the joy :D

  2. Congratulations Naya and Sodie! You rock!! Did you homeschool them all the way? You make the most gorgeous daughters!

  3. Yay! Thanks, ladies!

    Catherine, the twins are public school students...all the way from Kindergarten to Graduation in a few weeks. Mado was Waldorf until high school...she is in 10th grade at an alternative public high school now where the curric. is based on internships and pursuing personal interests.
