Welcome Spring!
Folks around here have started mowing their lawns again...but not us. Look at this tapestry of "weeds"! So much more beautiful than "lawn"!
We collected some of those sweet violets to decorate our traditional Equinox Cake...you can see last year's version here.
New babies to celebrate the season with :)
Ahhhh...the lilacs...now we know it's spring!
To mark this beautiful spring day, we gathered with friends and took a hike into the nearby woods to picnic near the river.
(the menu was :
Curried Tofu Salad
Tunisian Pressed Sandwiches
Raw Veggies and Hummus
Fresh Fruit, bread and raw Goat Cheese)
But perhaps the most wonderful part of the day was that we found the woods overrun with ephemeral wildflowers!!

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